The National Council on Aging reported 68% of Americans have TWO or MORE chronic diseases at age 65. Very few people will CURE any of those conditions. Instead our “disease care” system is focused on managing those chronic diseases with medication and surgeries.
I believe the KEY is to redirect from a focus on the cure to PREVENTING those chronic conditions BEFORE you get to age 65. If you are 65 with chronic diseases the focus should go from managing the condition to REVERSING the condition.
We will not cure aging, but we can be proactive to prevent and reverse chronic diseases. Unfortunately many squander health as we would never squander money.
What is the point in working hard, saving money for the future if you are currently not taking great care of yourself? What will your life be like if you arrive at 65 with 3 chronic diseases?
One simple strategy is to eat more LIVE foods. This video will help you with a strategy my family has used for over 30 years. It works. My wife and I weigh the same and are in as good of shape as we were before we were married. We have consistently been blending fruits and veggies virtually every day.
Eating more high quality, ideally organic LIVE foods will help you build your immune system and also lose weight if needed. This ONE simple habit is a game changer.
If your company is NOT getting you consistently great wellness material like this please let me know. My 37 video wellness series is a game changer.