Obesity in America to be 50% by 2030

They call it an obesity epidemic which seems crazy to me.  Maybe you will hate this comment – obesity is not something you CATCH! Obesity is the consequence of your lifestyle and habits. The average American weighs 30lbs more than 50 years ago and it is getting worse. Almost half a million children have been raised in families with a lifestyle that has created type 2 diabetes in those kids. 

We have a gigantic problem and there is no national outrage about it I can see. Ozempic is NOT the answer. 

How are you and your family doing right now? 

Are you an example or a warning? When was the last time you looked in the mirror getting out of the shower? Was your reaction…looking good or oh shit? 

It starts with what you put in your mouth. You can’t out exercise a bad diet. You can’t outrun a BIG MAC

Tony Robbins used to say, “if you want to live a long time, you have to eat a little.” That is good advice. Use a smaller plate, eat out less, quit drinking any calories, pack a cooler if you are on the go with healthy munchies. 

We are half-way through the year. Decide now what you will weigh by Thanksgiving. You have 145 days to reach that goal.

Write it down and post it on the mirror in your bathroom. 


Remember that MOTION is medicine. This video will help you get moving. It is from my 37 video wellness series. Likely your companies wellness program is not very good. I can help with this series and live programs. Your health and energy is your #1 asset. Are you disease and medication FREE right now? If not, what are you doing about it?