If you suffer with this, you know how terrible it is – please share

You may not suffer from this (chronic urticaria) and if you do or know someone who does, it is terrible. Please share this post. At the end there is an important question that will help anyone. I have experienced the sensation of “pins and needles” going through my bloodstream when I exercise for many years with no relief. Lucky for me I do not get full-on red welt hives. It primarily happens in the colder months when my core temp gets up and begin to sweat or exerting myself in weightlifting.

It can also happen with a stressful moment, and it can come up quickly. It has never happened to me on stage. I have searched
for a way to CURE this condition and not manage it with taking different drugs (steroids/antihistamines). I recently found a post on an urticaria website where someone talked about how sweating helped them.

Because the pain and discomfort are so terrible, I have not been sweating in the winters very much. When it hurts you tend to stop! My gym does not have a sauna/steam room, so I went to join Gold’s Gym for a week.

The dry heat in the sauna was way too painful. Day one worked out until it came up. I slowed down and they went to the steam room for 15 minutes. That was the most I have sweated in a long time. I hydrated well and I took a long shower as cold as I could stand it.

Day two went to play pickleball for 90 minutes AND it did NOT come up. Are you playing pickleball yet? It is terrific! tDay three on the treadmill for 30 minutes at 4.0 and worked out with my full circuit routine. It NEVER came up. Day 5 and 7 again great workouts worked out with 12-15 steams and the cold showers.

This is a short sample of time, and it has not come back. It has been 12 days. I am going back to Planet Fitness – (no steam room) to see what happens for the next week. I hope that helps you and anyone else. For me it has been a miracle.

There are many health benefits to sweating in general. The skin is the biggest organ in the body. How often do you work out and really get a good sweat? If you just walk for exercise, you are not getting a good sweat. Maybe it will help you too.