ANNOUNCEMENT – My son Davis just graduated from UT Knoxville with a degree and Marketing and Sales. I am going to put that degree to the test and have him join me as the Director of Sales. I have never had an organized sales effort and I welcome the help!
With my new focus of helping companies drive healthy habits and help keep insurance premiums from rising, we have a great opportunity. The 25-video series is proven effective and now available for any company.
We are doing a survey to collect current data. Does your company have a wellness program? Can you help and share the HR Director or Wellness Committee member with us?
I will send you the 3 videos of your choice as a bonus!
The disastrous lock down policies of the last two years have taken a huge toll on the physical and mental well-being of many. Some were equipped for the isolation and working from home and others not so much. Helping people take better care of their health, fitness and overall wellness is my passion.
Has this every happened to you? What would have once been an unthinkable situation just a few years ago, can slowly become “normal”. It is common with gaining weight for example. It does not happen overnight. Once positive habits can turn into destructive ones and slowly create a new normal. The danger is when you ACCEPT that new normal and are willing to tolerate it.
The reality is that only 3% of people lead a healthy lifestyle. It used to be “normal” to be in shape, eat well, exercise consistently, be mentally well and be medication free. That is no longer the case. It is unfortunately the exception.
I originally created this 25-video wellness series for the 10,000 + associates for the nation’s largest home builder Lennar Homes and their Well-Being Max Program. A shocking 5% of the associates account for 52% of their spending for health care.
When you have 20%+ of most workforces have Type 2 Diabetes and/or Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) you have a HUGE opportunity to make an impact with a quality wellness program. For every $1 invested in wellness studies show a $3.27 ROI! Investing in a wellness program pays for itself.
Unfortunately, most health care providers give advice to MANAGE the condition with medication instead of taking action to REVERSE IT!
You can motivate people from contemplating change, to actually TAKING ACTION to change now. That is what an effective wellness program and quality content can achieve.
Thinking about change, to acting on change and then maintaining the change.
Is there something that has become normal in your life that you need to confront?
The great Jim Rohn said, “Disgust is a powerful motivator.” If you accept that your choices and your habits got you into that situation, then you can make new choices and choose new habits to create a new future right now.
Does your company currently have a wellness program? We are beginning a survey to find out what has changed post Covid with wellness? If you can share the name or your HR Director or a Wellness Committee member at your company, we would like to interview them for the survey. Please let us know.
Health care expenses are rising and my family just made a change to better coverage at a much better price. If you are self-employed or have adult children who need their own healthcare coverage, consider Medishare. You have likely heard the radio ads. It is a “health sharing” company that I highly recommend. Check them out at that link to see if it is a good option for you.