It can be easy to get caught up in our weekend Memorial Day plans and forget WHY we are celebrating and those who gave their lives so we have this privilege. Please invest 30 seconds to remember and read this poem. Please share with your children or young adults who may have no idea. A story on said that only 55% of Americans know why we celebrate it. It is the day we celebrate the fallen soldiers from all the nation’s wars. Please remember.
Memorial Day
by Annette Wynne
Is it enough to think today
Of all our brave, then put away
The thought until a year has sped?
Is this full honor for our dead?
Is it enough to sing a song
And deck a grave; and all year long
Forget the brave who died that we
Might keep our great land proud and free?
Full service needs a greater toll-
That we who live give heart and soul
To keep the land they died to save,
And be ourselves, in turn, the brave!