The Power of Belief Is Your Best Bet to Grow [Video]

Belief is the foundation of all success.

Have you ever asked yourself if your thoughts are supporting or hindering your career and life direction?

Some people limit themselves by believing their PAST equals their FUTURE. They don’t even try to change, because they are convinced it is futile.

Nothing can change, because it has never changed in the past.

What about your words? What’s the impact of the words that come out of your mouth?

What you think and what you say have power.

Watch the video to learn how the power of belief can shape your purpose.

Watch the video now.


The power of belief

A belief is a feeling of certainty that drives you.

Word choice is crucial. I was doing a program for Subway and its franchisees.

They didn’t call their employees “employees.” They called them “sandwich artists.”

Disney didn’t call his team “animators.” They were called “Imagineers.”

One of my current clients is Comfort Keepers. It’s a franchise that’s in eight countries. They have 700 locations and, in the U.S. alone, they have 20,000 Comfort Keepers.

They help the elderly stay independent in their homes with a variety of functions. They’re an amazing, caring group of people. And they don’t see themselves as aides – they’re a “comfort keeper.”

That one word choice is crucial.

I was doing my research and there are two ways to look at it.

I interviewed one person, Theresa Adams, who said, “I enjoy the warm feelings I get from my clients after a shift. They look forward to my visit with them because sometimes I’m the light of their day.”

Now, thinking of that belief, she’s going in knowing she’s going to give it 100%. It’s showtime when she walks in the door. She’s the light of their day.

Glenda Hay said this: “I’m thankful that God has blessed me with the love and compassion and put the desire in my heart to be a Comfort Keeper. I leave each client’s home so blessed and lifted up. I truly enjoy my work.”

Theresa saw herself as she was – the light of their day – and Glenda saw herself as she was –  getting brightened up and lightened in her day by serving.

Either way is fantastic because it drives them, but how does that belief come about?

It comes about as a moment where something happens.

I was doing a program for Wisconsin Association of Homes and Services for the Aging and, after I was done, an elderly priest walked up to me, put his hand on my shoulder, looked in my eyes and said, “Son, you are a shining light for the Holy Spirit.”

That’s a moment you never forget.

I have repeated that every single time I’ve spoken over the last 10 years. I developed that belief in just that instant.

Some people are born that way. It’s a calling – they have to serve.

So, what does this mean for you? What is your belief about who you are and what you do?

What is a feeling of certainty you have about your company? About your product? About your service? About your value proposition?

Because people judge you by that certainty. You have to transfer your feeling of certainty about who you are. It’s not so much what you say, it’s about how you say it.

Reconnect with your purpose. Was it a calling for you? Is it a passion for you? Was there a

moment where you can look back and know you made a difference?

Draw on that to develop that feeling of certainty and power.

Belief drives you.

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