This is the time of year many get out of the shower and look in the mirror in horror! “When did this happen. Who is that? It is a new year, I must get serious about my health and get in shape now! Health club’s sign up about 40% of their members for the year right now and many will not being visiting that gym after a few weeks. They think they are doing something by joining the gym. That is only the first step.
Without a compelling reason to get back in shape and clear commitment of what you are willing to do to make it happen, you are setting yourself up for failure. I have been working out at the same gym, now run by Gold’s, for about 7 years. I see new people every week who had that moment of disgust in the mirror. One of my mentors Jim Rohn always said that disgust can be a powerful motivator. Watch this classic short video.
They sign up for the membership, often hire a personal trainer (which is a good idea to get a quick start) and work to get back into shape. At least they try. I rarely see any dramatic changes before they are gone. It does happen but it is rare.
There are a 168 hours in a week and they are in the gym for 4 or 5 of those with the trainer. That leaves 163 on their own making choices for themselves. Very few PT’s will go the person’s house and throw out all the crap in the pantry and refrigerator, design a meal plan to follow, clarify clear goals for losing the weight and hitting their key health numbers AND have them sign a contract to put their WORD on the line to live their workout goals.
[box] It is much wiser to spend 4% of your day = 1 hour a day NOW– working out, spending the money to buy and use a juicer, make healthy smoothies and eat a healthy diet. You must start doing this now or you will have to spend much more of you time and mass quantities of your money to reverse a difficult situation like Type II diabetes, heart disease, cancer etc. [/box]
I have worked hard to stay in good shape because I know that long term the quality of my life will be the quality of my movement and energy. What will your life be like if when you reach 70 and you have a chronic disease(s), taking multiple medications, are out of shape, low energy, bad knees and a bad back? What quality of live is that? You can change that destiny with a decision right now. Literally in the moment you are reading this you can make a decision that will alter the course of your future.
I believe the best gift I can give my wife and children is to take the time to take care of me. I am the economic engine for my family and I must remember that. I just turned 55 and am 6’2”, 197 pounds and my body is in the best shape ever! I am also 100% drug free – no medications ever! That is rare today. If you read my blog you know I have done over 38,000 push ups the last two years which equals at least 51 a day – EVERY DAY. It has really toned and added strength to my upper body. Better than 30 years ago!
I have averaged 18 workouts a month for the last 30 years. I define a workout of at least 30 minutes cardio getting a sweat plus my normal stretching and strength routine. It typically takes an hour. I have done it every month and TRACKED IT. Here is a picture of a version of the form I used from 1996. Very simple – each month has 31 boxes and you make a commitment at the beginning of each 6 month period with the MINIMUM number of “workouts” you will do and sign the form. I have done this since 1993 with great success. My weight never fluctuates more than a few pounds and I almost never get sick which is pretty amazing given the 1000 conventions I have spoken to and the travel needed to do that: 1000+ hotel nights, 2000 cab rides, 2.5 million miles in the air! Yikes, I have never calculated that before!
You say Chip, this makes sense, what do I do now? Go download the Get Switched Energy Schedule and print it out. Put in your minimum number of workouts – it needs to be at least double digits to start!!! Sign it – put your WORD on the line. TAPE it to the sheet to your bathroom mirror. I know you may be thinking there is an app for this. True – but you can choose to not open the app or delete it. This will be in front of your face for the next 6 months! Follow the 5 tips on the form for high energy and vitality and you will be AMAZED what happens with consistent effort and tracking your workouts! If you track it you will do it. The key is to not stop tracking. Do not SKIP. Skipping one makes it much easier to skip the next one.